Our objective is to provide a balanced and comprehensive framework to enable students to
acquire the requisite knowledge and skills to appraise current practice critically and to
evaluate proposed changes from a theoretical base. To this end, the text contains:
? extracts from current IASs and IFRSs;
? illustrations from published accounts;
? a range of review questions;
? exercises of varying difficulty;
? extensive references.
Solutions to selected exercises marked in the text with * can be found on MyAccountingLab.
We have assumed that readers will have an understanding of financial accounting to a
foundation or first-year level, although the text and exercises have been designed on the
basis that a brief revision is still helpful. For the preparation of financial statements in Parts
1, 2 and 5 we have structured the chapters to assist readers who may have no accounting
Lecturers are using the text selectively to support a range of teaching programmes for
second-year and final-year undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We have therefore
attempted to provide subject coverage of sufficient breadth and depth to assist selective use.
The text has been adopted for financial accounting, reporting and analysis modules on:
? second-year undergraduate courses for Accounting, Business Studies and Combined Studies;
? final-year undergraduate courses for Accounting, Business Studies and Combined Studies;
? MBA courses;
? specialist MSc courses; and
? professional courses preparing students for professional accountancy examinations.